Hosts of ‘Morning Joe’ kiss the ring and make capitulating apology on-air Morning show hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough met with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago shortly after the election to “restart communications.” The duo had previously been critical of Trump, and Scarborough called Trump a fascist just a year earlier. Critics from Vanity Fair, to the NY Times, to The View were suspect of the timing… Read More
Rachel Maddow warns of the 5 fronts in the transition to a “tin pot tyranny” On election night, Maddow gave an impassioned missive about the transition from democracy to tyranny, and what that looks like. She also conjured up visions of the American people rising up in resistance, but gave little sense of how that would manifest. Nonetheless, she shared important lessons from history where other nations pivoted from a… Read More